The Riverside International Friendship Gardens represent a dynamic 3-way public/private partnership that benefits the entire region. The City of La Crosse Parks Department provides construction assistance, maintenance, as well as additional resources and expertise to ensure the success of the gardens. The Bluff Country Master Gardeners organization has taken a major role with garden design, planting, selection of plants, maintenance, and coordination of volunteers. The International Friendship Board of Directors carries out fundraising and overall direction and policy-making for the gardens.
Financial Gifts
This is a grand way to express your appreciation and support of horticulture, ecological education, and the beauty of nature, worldwide. You may want to consider a memorial to pay tribute to a loved one. Your gift is tax deductible.
The Gift of Time
Another pair of hands will always be welcome in the gardens. It’s a wonderful educational opportunity and a great way to develop friendships with others who have similar interests.
In-Kind Donations
The gardens will also need in-kind donations. Please contact us for more information at (608) 791-GROW (791-4679) or mailto:
Master Gardeners
Local Bluff Country Master Gardeners have provided expertise, both in terms of garden design and layout, as well as funding for plants and many hours of hands-on planting, pruning and weeding.
Brick Donation
Create a lasting memory with the gift of an inscribed brick, which will be placed in one of the garden’s many walkways. Your brick may include your name or that of a loved one, family, business or organization, or pay tribute to the memory of someone special.
Please download the PDF form. Inscription requests are subject to final approval of the Riverside International Friendship Gardens’ Board of Directors.